About Us

Company Overview:

iTouch Master Resume Writers (“iTouch”) is an Australia-based professional resume writing business operating under the ABN: 59 914 790 082. We were established in 2004 in Sydney. Since then, we have expanded our business model to service clients across Australia (NSW, QLD, VIC, WA, NT, SA, and ACT) and support clients internationally.

Markets that we work in:

We cater to a diverse range of markets, servicing clients across a broad array of market verticals, including leading Top 100 ASX listed companies, small boutique and sole trader operations, government, not-for-profit, and the defence sector. Our clients range from high-end executives to graduates.

Client-centric approach:

Key to our success is adopting a client-centric approach. It’s important that we treat each person as an individual, respect their needs, and ensure that our model is fluid in its approach to provide a truly rewarding experience. We regularly monitor feedback and learn from our clients to ensure we continuously adapt and improve our services.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Due to the nature of our work, all correspondence is strictly private and confidential. The company adheres to strict confidentiality protocols, ensuring that all client information is protected and used solely for creating career documents. We work with a wide array of clients to assist with career consulting and resume advisory work, and will never forward your information to any third party unless you expressly provide consent. Each resume we produce is considered your individual property, and while the format and template remain our IP, we encourage our clients to embrace their resume as their own.

Industry Ethics:

Ethical practices and compliance with industry standards are fundamental resume writing and is at the heart of our resume writers work and operations. We have worked on several industry boards to champion ethical approaches both in Australia and internationally. With a background in recruitment, we are committed to upholding the RCSA standards. iTouch’s dedication to quality and client satisfaction has been recognised through multiple five-star awards.  

For more information contact:

Roland Coombes – Director & Chief Resume Writer
Email: rcoombes@resume-solutions.com.au

Resume Writing Services