Australia’s #1 Best CV & Resume Writers & Career Consulting Experts

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Is It OK to Hire a Resume Writer
Resume Writers & Resume Writing Services

Roland Coombes is a veteran recruitment consultant, highly accomplished careers expert, and master resume writer with over 25 years of industry experience.

The professional resume writer is a profession that has been around for decades. Interestingly, not everyone knows that resume writers actually exist. That’s because, some are confused as to whether it is  okay to hire resume writer from an ethical point of view. The answer is “yes”. 

With over 118 applications on average per job, the job seeker needs a strategy that will give them a true advantage in the market. And hiring a professional makes common sense, especially when it’s theircareer on the line.

Bottom Line

Professional resume writers have been in existence for decades, and are an integral part of the employment and recruitment market.

Recruiters and employers prefer a resume that provides a full itinerary, and understand that not all candidates have the expertise needed to write the content.

Using a resume writer is not cheating; it’s a sensible strategy which shows initiative by the candidate to maximise their opportunities. 

20 percent of job seekers get resume help

How long have professional resume writers being around for?

That’s a difficult question, but you can bet your bottom dollar, ever since the first CV Resume was crafted, people were seeking advice on what to include in their profile. It is estimated that around 20% of job seekers in Australia have used or are using some sort of assistance, whether it be paid or otherwise.  And with hundreds of resume writers now flooding the market, this number is expected to rise.

Are Recruiters OK with a Professionally Written Resume?

Yes, recruiters and resume writers are interconnected, and many have similar networks. Recruiters recognise that resume writing is not everyone’s forte, so they are not overly concerned with who wrote the resume but are more interested in the individual and what they can bring to the job being offered. In fact, it is not uncommon for a recruiter to edit a candidate’s resume based on their interview notes to increases the candidate’s chance of success. Therefore, recruiters understand the value of a well written resume. Those who use a professional resume service demonstrate a commitment and seriousness in their job search—a trait that recruiters appreciate.


Are Employers OK with a Professionally Written Resume?

Similar to recruiters, employers are primarily focused on the individual. Being able to sift through a selection of quality candidates makes the hiring process easier and faster, enabling them to identify the right candidate more efficiently from the resume. Therefore, it doesn’t actually matter who wrote the resume, as long as the information on the document is correct, factual, and accurately portrays what the individual can bring to the company. In fact, many of the top 100 companies in Australia employ outplacement companies, and within these services, it also includes resume writing!


Is It Cheating to Use a Professionally Written Resume?

No, it’s not cheating that’s a common myth. It’s getting professional help. Think of it as a project where you are assembling the right team to ensure your career goals are met. Therefore, using professional resume services is ethical, as you are seeking to employ the best possible expertise needed to drive your project’s success. Choosing to get help in this area is practical decision-making, not an unfair advantage. Using a resume writing service may also demonstrate your management skills, as it shows how you delegate tasks. It’s not about being dishonest; it’s about leveraging someone’s expertise to improve your job search.

What Levels of Jobseeker Use a Resume Writing Service?

There is no one particular level; in fact, professional resumes are being created for all types of roles, from school leavers right through to senior-level executives. You may also be surprised to learn that recruiters themselves use resume writers for their own CVs, as do many HR professionals. Many have achieved significant career growth by utilising the services of a professional in this way.

who uses a professional cv writer

5 Things to Consider Before Using a Professional Resume Writing Service

Using a professional resume writer gives you many benefits that can improve your job search. These experts are up to date with the latest trends and strategies in resume writing, enabling them to produce documents that meet employer standards.
When choosing the best resume writing service, you need to consider multiple factors such as:

  • Your target market, as this may affect which service you choose
  • The writer’s industry experience and specific industry standing
  • Whether they can provide examples of their writing style
  • If their pricing offers value for money
  • The awards and market reputation they have

Consider the writer’s credentials, such as industry-specific certifications and experience, which ensure high standards throughout the creation of your resume.
The complexity of an individual’s work history affects the time and effort a writer needs to craft their resume. Executive-level resumes may require more time to build. Although cost is important, value and quality should be the top priority when making your decision.

What Are the Top Benefits of Using a Resume Writer?

Firstly, the key benefit of using a professional for both your resume and for your job search is that it increases your chances of career success. Given that professional writers will likely have extensive knowledge of your industry, whether from a recruitment, HR, or career advisory perspective, you also gain excellent industry insight. They can help you navigate the strategies needed to increase your chances of success, such as different routes to achieving your short- and long-term career goals. When selecting the right professional to assist, ask for and review examples of past work from the service to assess the quality of resume writing. Knowing the process and how much you’ll be interacting with your writer is key to getting a tailored outcome in your final resume.

Some final thoughts…

In summary, using a resume writer is a normal and accepted practice that can improve your job search. Recruiters and employers like professionally written resumes and see it not as cheating but as a smart way to present yourself.
Before using a professional resume writing service, you need to consider industry background, experience, and cost. The benefits of using a resume writer are increased visibility, better articulation of your achievements, and a competitive edge in the job market.



Is using a resume writer cheating?

Using a resume writer is not cheating. It’s just smart to boost your job application with a professional’s help.  Think of it as getting some extra help to showcase your skills in the best light!

Do recruiters like professionally written resumes?

Yes,  providing the resume offers a true representation of the candidate. Remember, it doesn’t matter who wrote the resume, what matters is what is being presented.

How do I choose the right resume writing service?

There’s hundreds of resume writers in Australia, and it’s very easy to make the wrong choices. You need to make sure you find a provider who has expertise in your market. Make sure to review samples of their work to see if the writing style fits your needs.

Are employers okay with professionally written resumes?

Yes, most employers like the professionalism and clarity of a well written resume. It can make a big difference in making a great first impression!

What are the benefits?

A resume writer will increase your visibility and better articulate your achievements. Especially if the markets you are in a highly competitive.