Working with Recruiters? Here is What You Need to Know

Perception in the market
Amongst job seekers you will receive mixed feedback on how recruiters have performed in terms of customer service, finding suitable positions, and maintaining contact. Whatever your experience, you do need to follow certain rules of engagement. Firstly, it’s important to recognise that recruitment agencies earn their money by placing candidates into jobs and therefore their relationship and time are more client focused. Unfortunately, a common trait amongst some recruiters (especially the larger firms) is to only reach out to candidates when they choose to, and often don’t respond to phone calls and emails directly (even to those candidates who are registered).
This lack of interest to engage with speculative and prospective job seekers may seem unacceptable given that we live in a world where customer service should be a top priority, but this is the reality behind the recruitment process. However, keep trying and don’t take a lack of call-back or feedback personally. Persistence is key.
Being more selective, thinking smart...
Are all jobs advertised real?
This question comes up fairly often, and it is true to say that some recruiters will post job advertisements that may not be a live role and have been advertised to pull in new candidates. It’s impossible to know if the role is real, so you will need to presume that it is.
Keep control of your resume
In conclusion
- Never return your call unless on their terms
- Treat you as a number not a person
- Oversell yet under-deliver
- Try to make you feel special when they want something
- Won't tell you anything about the vacancy
- Send your CV without permission
- No feedback given on a job interview unless you're successful
- You never speak to the same consultant twice ?
- Say they are different to other recruiters
- Have unrealistic expectations
- Think that they work for us (they don't you know)
- Unable to recall which job they have applied for
- Don't return calls or messages
- Don't realise the recruiter's call is a telephone interview
- Not forthcoming with information
- Don't listen to feedback
- Have voice mail switched off and be non-contactable
- Forget to say they have already applied to a company
- Use an unprofessional email addresses